Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Pakistani handsome chay wala

Pakistani handsome chay wala

A blue-eyed youngest  chaywala mean  tea seller from Pakistan has become an internet sensation after a local photographer posted his picture on social media and that's from Islamabad o local place .

The story was picked up by PAskiatni media, 

In an interview with local 92 TV news, the blue-eyed Arshad indicated that he has been lived in Islamabad for the last 18 years and joined the tea stall a few months ago, according  the Daily Pakistan reported.

When asked if he knew what Twitter or Instagram is, Arshad replied that he has no idea what those things meant .He say he doesn't know the reason of the  popularity. 

Brother of 17 siblings, he expressed his ecstasy on becoming famous in one day.

Talking to Dunya News, he said that he is happy with his overnight popularity but it is irritating when people gather around him for pictures during working hours as he is supposed to work to earn livelihood.

Arshad said that people have taken more than 150 pictures with him at one day .

"Hello Indians, this is a Pakistani handsome chay wala  chai wala from Pakistan Mash Allah," said one post.

'I present you with a Pakistani handsome chay wala  chai wala (tea seller) in Pakistan who forgot that he should've been modelling instead," said another.

"Meet the steamin' hot 'chai wala' from Islamabad (Pakistan), who's going viral as we speak," went another post, with a picture of Arshad attired in blue, and pouring out tea.

"A chai wala from Pakistan is now famous on Indian social media. This is truly aMan kee aasha," said one Twitter post.

Another Twitteratti, commenting on the current India-Pakistan tensions, said: "India and Pakistan are divided by terrorism and cricket but are united by hot chai wala.Funny but true."

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